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Selfmade Time

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Guckt mal, was ich auf DeviantArt gefunden habe? Sailor Moon Perlen Haarclips.
So hübsch!
 by Sakinurai

Ich mag selfmade Sailor Moon Schmuck ^o^ Und ich glaube, die sind auch recht simpel selber zu machen. Also auf zu Nuena!
Oh ich seh gerade, dass Sakinurai noch mehr selbstgemachten Sailor Moon Schmuck in ihrer Gallery hat.... Hier die schönsten...

Die gefallen mir wirklich gut.

Bis dann

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hallo.
    It's Sakinurai!
    Thank you for featuring my items on your blog. Hopefully, I'll get around to making more goodies. Keep watching!

    *Forgive me if any dialect is off. I used Google Translate to read the blog and I'd like to reply back in German but I'm unsure how reliable the translator is (however, I was really surprised and happy when I saw this! ^_^;).*

    1. Hey,

      you're welcome!!!! I really love your work and I already follow you on deviantart so I can update your great goddies here as well! It would be a shame not to show them to my readers!!!!
      Have a nice day
